2024 Pegasus Zone Athletics Championship

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Date: Wednesday, 6 Nov 2024   (Last entry date: Wednesday, 30 Oct 2024)
Postponement date: 7/11/2024
Managers: (none)
Reporters: (none)
Staff helper last date: 30/10/2024
Location: Ashgrove Park

This meet provides Pegasus Zone athletes with an opportunity to compete against each other and qualify to enter the Canterbury Primary Schools' Athletics Sports on Wednesday 27 November at Nga Puna Wai.

Zone athletics are held at Ashgrove Park. Start: 9:30am and finish is approx 2:30pm.

Athletes must be in Year 5 and above to compete. Students may enter 3 events (*only one sprint event) PLUS a relay. *Children are not permitted to enter both the 50m and 80m (Yr 5 & 6) or the 60m AND 100m (Yr 7 & 8). 

Please note if selected to attend Canterbury Zone event then they will only be able to enter 3 events with a maximum of only two sprint events, one to be a relay. Children are not permitted to enter both the 60m and 80m (Yr 5 & 6) or the 60m and 100m (Yr 7 & 8). e.g. A child could enter 3 field events. e.g. A child could enter one sprint, one distance and one field event. e.g. A child could enter the 100m, be a member of the relay team and enter a distance event.

Maximum entries per school:

Field Event / Track Event / Relay U2 1 1 1,  U3 1 2 1,  U4 1 3 2,  U5 2 3 2,  U6 3 4 2

Staff: Organised By Wendy Cathcart (North Canterbury Sports Trust)
Schools: Clarkville, Home School - Pegasus, Kaiapoi Borough School, Kaiapoi North School, Mahi Mãtãtoa, Ohoka, Ouruhia, Pegasus Bay, St Patricks, Swannanoa, Te Matauru Primary, Tuahiwi, West Eyreton, Woodend
Events: 84